Basarab Overpass

Bridges and Viaducts


Basarab Overpass

The Basarab Overpass, built according to the most advanced European standards, represents the largest infrastructure project in the transport sphere carried out in the city of Bucharest in the 20 years prior to its completion date and one of the most important projects in Romania for the type of earthquake-resistant systems adopted. 

The work, built near the Gara de Nord train station, connects two densely trafficked areas of the city, allowing for an effective streamlining of the road system, which was previously penalized by the traffic flows connected to the station and the presence of the Dâmbovița River. 

Designed in accordance with the most advanced European standards and entirely built with seismic isolation criteria, the work consists of a complex system of viaducts and bridges, spanning a total length of about 1.5 km. The structures accommodate two dual vehicle roadways and two tram lines and allow for river crossings. 

The structure includes a southern access ramp of about 160 meters that rises to a 120-meter metal arch bridge that allows the river to be crossed, and then continues with a 790-meter viaduct until it reaches the railroad in front of the Gara de Nord, which is then excavated by a cable-stayed bridge. 

The viaducts are made of post-compressed concrete and consist of 115 spans ranging from 12 to 35 meters in length. Of the two bridges envisaged by the project, the cable-stayed one, in turn, constituted a record at the European level: at the date of its completion, it was in fact identified as the widest cable-stayed bridge in Europe (44 meters) and the only one to house a streetcar station. This 340-meter-long bridge, with a span of 170 meters, two 80-meter-high towers supporting a mixed-structure (steel and concrete) deck of nearly 10,000 tons supported thanks to 60 tie-rods composed of 360,000 meters of cables. The second bridge has a 1,200-ton all-steel arch structure with a span of 120 meters and a reinforced concrete deck. This second bridge houses 4 road lanes, a double streetcar line and a streetcar station integrated into an intermodal rail-metro-tram system.  

To ensure the seismic tightness of the bridges, a complex system of lead-core rubber bearings and dissipators has been provided to ensure the seismic isolation of the bridges. 

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in total length

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meters of the cable-stayed bridge

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meters of the arched bridge

Basarab Overpass

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Basarab Overpass

Information material - Bridge project over the Strait of Messina
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